An image of a robot showcasing the rise of low code and no code builderslike Wix
#no code

May 1, 2024

Beyond the Hype: The Hidden Costs of No-Code Website Builders

In the digital age, the allure of "no code" or "low code" solutions like Webflow and Wix has captivated many aspiring website owners with promises of easy, drag-and-drop interfaces that require no prior coding knowledge. These platforms suggest a utopian scenario where launching a website is as simple as clicking a few buttons.

But beneath this enticing facade, significant drawbacks often surface, which can transform the promise of convenience into a complex web of issues.

What is a no-code platform ?

No-code platforms eliminate the need for any manual coding. These platforms are designed for users with no programming background, allowing them to build applications through purely visual interfaces.

Key Features of no-code platforms:

  • Completely visual development environment
  • Pre-built templates and modules
  • Drag-and-drop functionality
  • Automated deployment and hosting
  • Limited customization options (compared to low-code)

Examples of no-code platforms:

  1. Bubble: A powerful no-code platform for building web applications.
  2. Webflow: Focuses on website building and design without coding.
  3. Wix: A super popular, mainly no-code tool for crafting websites across a wide range of industries. However, it does offer the possibility of embedding custom HTML and Javascript if needed.

Due to limitations in terms of customizability of these platforms, there are also platforms that allow certain level of coding, commonly known as 'low code' platforms. Of course, one needs to hire a professional programmer to do so.

The mirage of simplicity

No code platforms market themselves on the premise of simplicity: everyone should be able to create their business website with the click of a button without any technical knowledge whatsoever.

If you think about it, it's like treating yourself at home vs going to the hospital, because , of course you've read a few articles about it and feel you know enought to start treating yourself.

And who knows your body better than yourself ?

Jokes aside, unfortunately this comparison is quite applicable to website development: the budget conscious business owner sees a few ads or hears about these awesome platforms that allows him/her to setup their website in a few hours. No more fiddling around with developers saving also a few hundreds/thousands in the process in developer fees. Who wouldn't want that ?

As it turns out there is indeed no free lunch in business and this is also applicable to website development.

Are you a business owner AND a web developer ?

The start in becoming an amateur web developer is easy: pick a Wix template or buy an WordPress theme, modify some texts and add some colors and you are done. Or are you really done ?

The thruth is that most aspiring business owners turned into amateur web developers they don't know what they don't know. And there are plenty of things:

  • Does the color scheme and overall design reflect your brand and it's visually pleasing ?
  • Do the texts on your website get your message across and convert visitors into customers ?
  • Have you optimized the beautifull 5MB JPEG picture you just added to the front-page ?
  • Have you checked that the website is really responsive on the major devices ? Should you have used maybe adaptive design instead of responsive on a certain page ?
  • Does the website pass performance, security, SEO and accesibility checks ? If not , your search rankings might suffer a lot.
  • Did you properly setup analytics, Facebook Pixel and Google Search Console integration ? If not, your marketing campaigns might be highly inneficient, potentially leading to large business losses.

These are just examples of things that most amateur web developers don't even think about. The list is too long to outline here, but hopefully it makes one point clearer: putting a website online it's just the tip of the iceberg and the difference between a hobby website and a professional designed one is beyond comparison.

And is the cost of these "low code" or "no code" platform really that small then, considering the time spent tweaking these templates and the amateurish end product ?

The true costs of developing a no code/low code website: WIX case study

Wix has become a popular choice for individuals and small businesses looking to create a website quickly and affordably. While it's true that Wix offers an accessible entry point into web presence, the total cost of developing and maintaining a Wix website often extends beyond the initial pricing tiers. Let's dive into the true costs associated with creating a Wix website.

Subscription Costs

Wix operates on a freemium model, but to access essential features, you'll need a paid plan.


  • Light: $17/month
  • Core: $29/month
  • Business: $36/month
  • Business Elite: $159/month

Note: Prices may vary based on region and current promotions.

While these costs seem reasonable, remember that they're ongoing. Over time, they can add up significantly.

Domain and Email Costs

Your domain name is usually free for the first year with most Wix plans, but renewal typically costs around $14.95/year. Professional email addresses (e.g., are an additional expense, starting at about $6/month per mailbox.

App Market Expenses

Wix's App Market offers extensions to enhance your website's functionality. While many are free, premium apps can range from $3 to $50+ per month. Common additions include:

  • Advanced forms: $9.99/month
  • Appointment booking: $14.99/month
  • SEO tools: $4.99/month

These costs can quickly accumulate as you add features to your site.

Time Investment

One often-overlooked cost is the time you'll spend building and maintaining your site. While Wix is user-friendly, creating a professional-looking site still requires a significant time investment:

  • Learning the platform: 5-10 hours
  • Designing your site: 20-40 hours (or more for complex sites)
  • Content creation: Varies widely, but expect at least 10-20 hours initially
  • Ongoing maintenance: 2-5 hours per month

Your time is valuable. Calculate this cost based on your hourly rate or what you could be earning if you focused on your core business instead.

Design Limitations

Wix's templates are a double-edged sword. While they make it easy to create a decent-looking site, they can also limit your ability to stand out. You might find yourself wanting to hire a designer to customize your site further, which can cost anywhere from $500 to $5000+, depending on the complexity of the project.

SEO Considerations

While Wix has improved its SEO capabilities, it still has limitations compared to more flexible platforms. You might need to invest in additional SEO tools or services to compete effectively, which can range from $100 to $500+ per month.

Scalability Issues

As your business grows, you might find that Wix doesn't scale as well as other platforms. The cost of migrating to a more robust platform later can be substantial, potentially ranging from $3000 to $10,000+ for a custom-built site.

Hidden Opportunity Costs

It's crucial to consider what you might be missing out on by choosing Wix or any other website builder for that matter:

  • Limited customization could result in a less effective website, potentially leading to lost sales or leads.
  • Performance limitations might affect your search engine rankings and user experience.
  • Lack of certain advanced features might hinder your ability to implement specific marketing or business strategies.

WIX costs recap

While Wix can be an excellent solution for some, it's essential to consider all costs involved:

  1. Annual subscription: $204 - $1908
  2. Domain renewal: $14.95/year
  3. Essential apps: $100 - $500/year
  4. Time investment: Varies, but potentially thousands in opportunity cost
  5. Potential design and SEO services: $1000 - $5000+
  6. Need a developer to customize the Wix website for you ? Depending on the skill levels of web designers and developers the hourly rates range anywhere from $45 - $120+/hour

When you add it all up, the true cost of a Wix website over a few years can easily reach several thousand dollars, not including the value of your time.

Wix offers an accessible entry point into website ownership, but it's crucial to understand the full spectrum of costs involved. For some, the convenience and ease of use will justify these expenses. For others, especially growing businesses with specific needs, investing in a custom-built website might provide better long-term value.

Before deciding, carefully consider your business goals, growth projections, and the importance of your website in your overall business strategy. Sometimes, what seems cheaper initially may not be the most cost-effective solution in the long run.

A More Sustainable Approach: Open Source and Frameworks

Contrasting the limitations of no-code platforms, open-source web frameworks like React and NextJS present a viable alternative for creating a sustainable, customizable website. These technologies offer flexibility and full control over the web development process, from design to deployment. Sites built with these tools can be optimized for performance and are not hindered by the proprietary constraints of platforms like Wix or Webflow.

The Power of Open Source

Open-source frameworks provide several advantages:

  1. Community-driven development: Benefit from contributions of thousands of developers worldwide.
  2. Transparency: The code is open for inspection, allowing for better security and trust.
  3. Flexibility: Adapt the framework to your specific needs without platform restrictions.
  4. Cost-effective: No licensing fees, though you'll need to factor in development costs.

Modern hosting options

Once developed, your website needs to be hosted somewhere.

Here at Netcraft, for all of our customers, we use modern hosting solutions such as Vercel and Netlify which offer seamless deployment options for sites built with these frameworks, at a low initial cost.

Just a few reasons why we love these hosting platforms so much:

  1. Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    • Your website is automatically distributed across hundreds of servers worldwide.
    • Ensures fast loading times for users regardless of their geographic location.
    • Reduces server load and improves reliability.
  2. Automatic HTTPS

    • SSL certificates are provisioned and renewed automatically.
    • Ensures secure connections between your users and your website.
  3. Split Testing (A/B Testing)

    • Easily set up and manage A/B tests for your website.
    • Helps optimize user experience and conversion rates.


While no code platforms may initially appear to offer a straightforward path to web development, the reality often reveals a complex scenario riddled with hidden costs, limitations, and frustrations. Businesses and individuals would do well to consider open-source options that provide greater flexibility and control, ensuring that their website can grow and evolve without being hindered by the platform it was built on.

Instead of investing precious time crafting an inneficient, amateur, low conversion website, maybe you should start thinking if that time should be better spent into developing your business and thinking about growth opportunities.

Ready to take your web presence to the next level? Contact us today for a professional, scalable, and efficient web solution tailored to your business needs.

Get in touch !

PS: We're also very proud to be featured by DesignRush in top web development companies related to construction web design as a recognition of our work with construction industry small businesses.